Sunday, January 31, 2010

Julia is 6 months old

Julia is 6 months old! It's crazy how much she is growing. She is the light of my life in everyway! She inspires me, delights me, enlightens me, teaches me and just makes me so happy! I love being a mother to such a beautiful little girl. I just know she's going to be such a little joker when she's older. As for now here is what she's doing now.


Eats solid foods including fruit and veggies (still waiting to try peas)

Can sit up on her own unassisted for extended amounts of time
Can play own her own
Push up on her knees (getting ready to lunge forward)
Jabbers vowels and consonants

Imitates faces and sounds
Holds on to something when standing up

Taking a bath in the adult tub

Preparing to start teething (drueling)

Can bang blocks together if modeled

Laughs at you when she gets a response from an action

Starting to show that she knows when she's up to no good - a peculiar smile

She can finally pull the toys above!

Sitting in her high chair eating oatmeal and fruit

Playing during tubtime
She loves playing with blocks.

Coal Train RailRoad - A Must for Your Kid's Music Collection

My nanny, Katie, is so wonderful with Julia. She genuinely loves children and it shows when she's with Julia. Julia lights up when she sees Katie because she knows the fun thats in store. So it makes perfect sense that Katie sings kids music and sing it she does!

Her CD, Coal Train RailRoad,  is a children's CD but with a modern jazzy feel and lyrics that covers all the main children's themes. Say good-bye to your traditional kids music. Song titles like "What Mine is Yours" and "It's Hard To Listen" address the social learning while "My Bellybutton Stays the Same" and "My Mouth and Me" teaches children about their bodies. My favorite tune is "Snuggling Suits Me Just Fine" which encourages everyone's favorite thing -"snuggling"! This CD is great for adults too. I love to have it playing in the background while I work and Julia plays. It's has a soothing sound that just puts you in a peaceful place.

This is a must have for your kids music collection at any age. My daughter is only 6 months but she loves to listen to Coal Train RailRoad during her playtime. I can see it easily being one of her favorite CD's and dancing around the house shouting "All Aboard"  and stating "Just the Juice, Jack" when she's ready for juice.

From an educator's standpoint this CD covers many of the multiple intelligences. Children will learn visually/spatially, verbally, bodily,  interpersonally, intrapersonally, and musically of course. Learning should be fun to be successful and this CD definately gives kids the opportunity to have fun and be successful learners!

Visit the Coal Train Road Site !!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Yesterday the first official snow of Julia's life arrived. It snowed a few weeks back but nothing to stop and acknowledge. However, this one was a big one! 6-8 inches and it's a white wonderland outside.

We took Julia outside today for a few minutes to feel the snow and see it. Yesterday when I took her out for a second she said "whoa". Then today she loved it...snotty nose and all. Of course she was bundled up like the kid off A Christmas Story and when she started to fall it was difficult for her to get her arms out to stop her but she loved it.
Falling, falling, falling......
Even happy after her face met the snow

Having your own family and living these moments out through my daughters eyes is such an amazing experience. No one could ever describe the joy in it. Even though Julia didn't realize that the white stuff could make snowmen or snowballs to throw at her Dad she still enjoyed it. It's like living childhood over again. I got excited about snow and not because I was getting a snowday from teaching. Parenting may be the most difficult job but it is the most rewarding job I will ever have.
Happy baby, happy life!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Julia's First Cold

Snotty nose:-( but still so darn cute

Poor baby girl has her first cold...maybe it should be poor mommy! Why is it babies do the opposite of adults? They don't get enough sleep during the day then they don't sleep at night. Ummm adults crave sleep with they are tired. Now it's colds. An adult gets sick and they sleep, babies get sick they are wide awake! Considering her nose has not stopped dripping she has been in somewhat of an upbeat happy mood. Granted she has had some serious mood swings but isn't that normal anyways??

We're on Day #3 of her cold. Katie, her nanny, seems to think she may be teething because all the drainage is clear and she doesn't sound congested. However there is a lot of snot! A LOT! It just runs down her face but doesn't even phase her when she's playing. So cute. Hopefully with all the saline drops and nasal sucking it was be gone by Monday. Poor baby!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Busy as a Bee but Loving Life

I have been so busy lately. Taking on "clients" for my " business" has proven to be time consuming. I still want to be the 100% stay at home mom to Julia so that means I'm using 150% of me which I don't think exists. However, it's so worth it. I get to do something that makes other people so happy AND I get to stay at home with my little Sweet Cheeks and watch her grow and change everyday.

This weekend was a much needed weekend. Jarred and I went to see Avatar 3D. Awesome!!! It's so nice to get out as a couple. Julia doesn't seem to mind when we leave. She loves her nanny Katie. She always seems to be having so much fun with her when I come home. I hope she doesn't experience stranger anxiety with her.

Also I hosted a Ladies Night In this weekend. Also a much needed get together for us ladies. I haven't had so much fun with a group of women in a long time. Although we didn't leave the house i felt so much more relaxed at the end of the night. 

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful group of friends here. I would go crazy if I didn't...espeically being a stay at home mom. Every week I have meet ups planned that keep me sane and enrich Julia is so many ways. She is becoming such a well adjusted little girl. I'll give a blog entry this week on her milestones reached. Plus all of my mom friends just encourage me and inspire me in so many ways.

Today Jarred and I coparented. I really can't complain about Jarred and his daddy duty skills if we overlook the putting the baby in the swing for nightime sleep. Otherwise he helps me whenever I ask. Now if I was exhausted from a day of teething baby then I might speak differently but when I'm thinking with a clear mind he gets a Daddy of the Year award.

I am busy, I am fulfilled, I am loved, I am content, I am blessed, I am HAPPY!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lost My Phone = I Need A Break

So I've done it to myself again...pushed, pushed, pushed and pushed until I did something stupid because I was so tired. I started the day a bit rushed and once the nanny arrived I didn't seem to have enough time for errands. Started out at Target choosing some items to give the downstairs an uplift then rushed over to W.End for my xray. After my back xray, I signed up at the Y, then I came home, moved two rugs, did laundry, cleaned house, played with Julia, fed Julia, changed Julia....then she napped. Did I take a break?? Of course not. I kept uplifting the downstairs with minor changes but changes that made it look so much better. Julia woke up and off we went to meet the mommy's for dinner. Jarred picked her up. I got lost in Julia's Ft. Lauderdale W hotel description and had an epiphany - AHHHHHH! I need a vacation!!! After dinner I dashed to ghetto Kroger where I got a few items. Put items in car got home and BAM! I left my phone in the cart. Back to the store and it was nowhere. Why did I ever think it would be there?

So now I have a $300 bill for a new phone because I had to push myself all day. If I wasn't so exhausted and rushing myself b/c I had to get home and continue my list of to dos, I probably wouldn't have left it abandoned in a shopping cart. I envy those women that can take days to just watch TV and relax. It's just not in me. I have to always keep going. So after tomorrow night (hosting a Girls Night In) I am going to relax for the weekend. No editing photos, no cleaning house, no laundry.....NOTHING but relaxing with my sweet Julia and wonderful husband. TV, Movies, Pizza, Sleep....Ohhhh it sounds so good. Let's just hope I can do it. Maybe Sunday I can even have a Lifetime movie day in the bedroom a.k.a. the cave.

RIP Iphone....I will miss you and all my photos, notes and calendar dates.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Photo Shoots, Haiti, Headaches and Baby Hugs

I haven't been on the blogging train this week. I've been spending extra time on trying to work on getting some photography stuff together. I have three photo shoots next week to build my portfolio. Hopefully, I will get some great shots from a 3 month old, 4 year old, 4 month old and 2 week old. I have fabrics, blankets, backdrops, batteries and my camera! Ready for this. We'll see how I really like having multiple clients and not being able to take pics of my muse all the time. Julia is such a great baby. She's into the posing thing now and not freaking out when I get the lens out. She's like "bring it on" and I'll give you a show.
On another note, there was an earthquake in Haiti this week. It was a 7.0 on the Richter scale...heartbreaking. They are estimating 200,000 dead. In a country that had nothing but poverty they now really have nothing. Just seeing pictures makes me realize how fortunate and truly blessed I am. It's so easy to forget how fortunate I am but then something like that really brings me back to realizing it's GREAT to be me. I have a wonderful husband (although I do have to remind him to be wonderful sometime:-0), a beautiful and bright daughter, a wonderful home, great friends, no financial worries and no worries really beyond making sure Julia naps and getting chiropractor visits.

My back and headaches have been getting worse though. I've been going to the chiropractor and my IT band has contracted which pulls my hip and knee to the left which causes more pain. I'm still having the three day headaches (of which Ihave one now) but I refuse to let it slow me down. It has slowed me down however. I can't quite keep up with everything like I was...or maybe it's because Julia now takes more time. She's eating solids which takes and extra 30 minutes and I swear I do laundry EVERYDAY!!! Burpcloths and bibs - you really can't ever have enough!! Plus she is TRYING to be mobile so she'll be playing by herself and then you'll hear "RAAAAAAAAAAA". She's so frustrated that she can't move forward. I have to help her so independent play has went to the side for a while.

Sweet Julia is hugging now. She's really holding on when you pick her up and she throws her arms around what she can of your neck. She is such a sweet and loving baby. I feel bad sometimes putting her to bed b/c I know she just wants to stay up and love on us, play with us but she needs her beauty sleep.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Are we teething??

Yes because Julia seems to think that anything that sticks out from the body is meant to be chewed on (i.e. fingers, hands, NOSES). Yes she is going for my nose in this picture with a little scream beforehand. However, it is so precious. I love it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Taken from The Glamorous Life via Erika's blog. Since Julia is actually napping her full hour today I have some free fun time!!!

First memory: Running around the house in my diaper.

First celebrity obsession crush: Jordan Knight of NKOTB.

First dog: Lady - a beautiful Collie that looked just like Lassie.

First cat: Sylvester - a black cat that went crazy.

First memory of being jealous: My cousin's Barbie Dream House. She had all these neat Barbie things and I always wanted them. I survived without them.

First ‘boy friend’: Robert Jordan in 4th grade but for some reason I think I wrote "love" letters to Danny Hammons in 2nd grade....where are my diaries when I need them?

First kiss: Noah Spencer on the bus.

First date: Clint Lackey. He was a junior or senior and I was a sophmore. He drove a white Mazda MX-6. I thought he was so cool. I went to Jr/Sr.prom with him and we dated throughout the summer.

First sleepover: My birthday. We ordered Little Ceasars pizza and watched scary movies.

First time attending Sunday School: Before I can remember but everytime I smell playdough I think about Sunday School.

First roller coaster ride: The Cyclone at Carowinds in Charlotte, NC.

First favorite brand name: I've never been one for brand name but I remember loving Levis. I don't think they ever fit me right but I thought they were cool.

First pair of legwarmers: I know I had some and I'm going to say 1st grade. I remember one pair that had gold strings sewn in them. Julia wears legwarmers which are super cute on her.

First huge misunderstanding: I'm sure it was in elementary but the first one I remember was my two best friends getting made at me over a boy of course.

First cell phone: When I turned 16. It was a Motorola flip phone and cost like $1.00 a minute and I'd freak out if someone called and left a long voicemail. Everyone else had beepers and I had a cell phone. I guess it made up for never getting the Barbie Dream House.

First computer: A bulky Dell that my parents bought me in 2002. It downloaded music and I thought it was so awesome. It is now retired to the closet and replaced with a laptop that can do all it could and more. Go technology!!

First huge disappointment: Not having my essay chosen in a DARE essay competition.

First Regret: When I was 28....I know late in life but I regret very little.

First big family vacation: We never took a family vacation. So I guess this summer will be my first official family vacation when we take lil' Julia to the beach!!!

First trip to Europe: One day.

First heartbreak: Justin Orders in high school.

First stay in the hospital: 2009 when Julia arrived!

First car: 88 Ford Tempo (Old Blue)- What a beaut! In college I upgraded to a brand new 2000 Silver Honda Civic (Patty). I still haven't named the Murano.

First license: When I was 16.

First Convertible: After babies and kids, I'll trade the SUV in for one but until then...

First ‘mom’ car: 2009 Nissan Murano - traded in the college car, a silver Honda civic, for a silver mom car - but I so love it!

First time on an ATC/Quad: 17

First job: Ingles as a cashier

First paycheck: Ingles

First apartment: Val Haaaaaala in Cullowhee Apt. 2B. Many memories were made there.

First house: I lived with Jarred in Florida at the house he bought but I don't consider it my first house although he does. I would say this house now in Nashville is my first house.

First husband: Jarred

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Top Stories of 2009

To mark the close of a history-making year and the year of the arrival of Julia Catherine McNeal, I'm blogging about the most notable news stories of 2009.

A Historic Inauguration

On January 20, Barack Obama became the 44th U.S. President—and the country’s first African-American chief executive. Obama’s swearing-in ceremony drew a record crowd of 1.8 million people. That made it the biggest event ever held in Washington, D.C. The crowd stood for hours in freezing cold temperatures to witness the event. “We gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord,” the new President told the nation.

My father, Julia's grandfather, still quotes important dates in history such as Pres. Kennedy's assassination or when the US first landed on the moon. Maybe it's my generation or the fact that they just don't teach history in school anymore but I can't really quote dates. I hope Julia can. I think it's so important to know history. I can quote 9-11 but I'm pretty sure anyone that was alive that day can. 2009 was the year America voted in their first African American president. When Julia reads this blog 15 years - 20 years from now, she will probably wonder what the big deal was. I have a feeling she will have a completely different view of minorities, African Americans, Hispanics, etc., as I have a grown up with. That will be a good thing.

A New Justice

In May, President Obama chose Judge Sonia Sotomayor as his nominee to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, the most powerful court in the land. Sotomayor replaced retiring Justice David Souter and became the first Hispanic, and the third woman, to sit on the high court. There are only nine Supreme Court justices. All of them serve for as long as they’d like. Together, their decisions carry the weight of law. So Obama’s choice of Sotomayor could affect U.S. laws for decades to come. The U.S. Senate confirmed Obama’s choice, and she was sworn into office on August 8.

Moon Walk’s 40th Anniversary

On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon. “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind,” he said. About 600 million people worldwide watched on television. Putting men on the moon was a huge accomplishment for the United States. The success of Apollo 11—and later Apollo flights—increased our knowledge of the moon, the sun, and Earth. NASA, the U.S. government space agency, observed the 40th anniversary of this event by discussing plans for future exploration. They include setting up a base on the moon and making a journey to Mars.

Tough Times at Home

For all of 2009, the U.S. economy has been in a recession, or sharp downturn. Millions of Americans lost their jobs. More than 1 million families lost their homes because they were unable to make their monthly payments on loans. President Obama moved to reverse this downturn. In February, he signed into law what he called “the most sweeping economic recovery package in our [nation’s] history.” The law pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into the U.S. economy over several months. It was intended to help create jobs, help companies stay in business, and lower taxes for the middle class—but many people thought the money spent was too much. Unemployment was beginning to ease just a bit by the end of the year.

I think this "recovery package" was a crock and with the beginning of 2010 more money is being requested. Yes you must spend money to make money but there has yet to be true signs of recovery. I along with many republicans AND democrats feel that this will be one of the key factors in Obama not being re-elected in 2012.

At the same time, Obama and Congress went to work on improving the country’s ailing health-care system. The President and many members of Congress are trying to create new laws that will reduce health-care costs and allow more people to get health insurance. No law has yet been passed.

In Julia's time I'm sure there will be some type of health care reform. She will have no idea of what happened to get it to where she is. It could be worse or it could be better than now. Yes this blip says that health-care costs will be reduced and allow people to have more health insurance but 99% of all media comes from a left sided perspective. It doesn't mention the lines, waiting and loosing of benefits that will result from this reform. Oh and our president and congress won't be included in this reform....ummmmm, that just makes me wonder if the people passing and writing the reform to have to abide by it....

A Scare From the New Flu

This year’s seasonal flu bug came with an unwelcome friend—a new strain of flu that scientists call H1N1. H1N1’s rapid spread in several countries last spring caused fears of a massive outbreak. A vaccine for H1N1 is now available. Health officials have also stressed that prevention is key: Cough and sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm, they advise, and wash your hands often.

I received the regular flu shot but no H1N1 shot. Julia was too young to receive it. Needless to say we have avoided daycares and upon Julia's arrival Jarred insisted on installing hand sanitizer in the house. I am by far not a germaphobe and we haven't become hermits but I am a bit more cautious around the public.

Conflicts Overseas

The first decade of the new century has been a time of war for Americans. The U.S. has been fighting in Afghanistan since 2001 and in Iraq since 2003. This year, with violence decreasing in Iraq, President Obama announced plans to pull out all U.S. troops from that country by the end of 2011. In Afghanistan, where violence is on the rise, the President plans to send an additional 30,000 troops. The goal there is to defeat the Taliban, an extreme group that has supported Osama bin Laden and his terrorist group, Al Qaeda. Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are responsible for the terrorist attacks against the U.S. in 2001.

There were more Americans die this year than in all the past years. It continues to grow. I feel we should slowly remove our troops and concentrate on getting our country under control. History shows us that all great empires fall from within. Ours will soon if we don't take care of ourselves and not so much other countries.

World Series Wins, Big and Little

The New York Yankees won the World Series for the first time since 2000, beating last year’s champions, the Philadelphia Phillies. Victory was especially sweet for the Yankees and their fans because 2009 marked the team’s first season in the new Yankee Stadium. And in the Little League World Series, California’s Chula Vista team won the championship, coming from behind to beat the Chinese Taipei team from Taoyuan, Taiwan

Thanks to for providing the headlines. My commentary is in purple.