Thursday, September 2, 2010

Julia is 13 months!

So I've been a crappy mommy blogger. With my business just exploding the last month I have found little time to actually sit in front of the computer and type up an entry. I'm so busy editing, emailing clients, researching photography so I can make this a successful business that this little blog got lost. So here I am taking five minutes today that Julia will appreciate so much when she's older.

She is a firecracker, wild woman, crazy girl, little pumpkin, chuncker-muncker, sweet baby...these are the names I find myself calling her throughout the day. They describe her perfectly. Yesterday while shopping at Gymboree (that store is dangerous for me financially) Julia started to shoot out the door. I was THAT mom chasing down my toddler before she ran free into the mall. She is silly, laughs so much, rarely gets upset, a picky eater, center of attention lover, a friend to everyone, loves animals, loves everyone....she is a unique and special little girl that lights up my life and I think safe to say so many others who path she crosses throughout the day.

What She's Doing Now:
Walking...make that starting to run
Can put things in container, nest cups perfectly
Puts lids on things...and takes them off (managed to take top off shampoo bottle)
Hugs and kisses kids she meets
Copying what people do
Repeating words (says dog, bath, ball)
Shakes head no and means it
Enjoys feeds herself
Sleeping in our bed (don't judge)
Two naps a day
Drinking whole milk
Go down stairs backwards
Likes to take walks
Dances (shakeshake)
Still loves YoGabbagabba

It is absolutely amazing to watch her figure the world out. She starts Mother's Day Out next week and I just know my independent little wild woman will do well there and love it. It's so crazy to think that this time last year she was only a month old and still just a baby that needed me for everything. Now she's the little girl with a firecracker personality that can feed herself and put away toys. Wow what a year can bring. Life is beautiful.

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