Saturday, May 29, 2010

Julia is 10 months old!!

10 months old...bring it on! Waiting on the doctor at her 9 month visit

Two more months and she's 1 year old! It's crazy to think it's been almost a year. This past month has probably been the biggest development wise..atleast what I can see. She's communicating, exploring, crawling, chatting...she's Julia. She's such a unique little girl. She has such an amazing energy that just radiates to everyone. She's happy 99% of the time, she loves to eat, loves to chat, loves to explore, loves to dig in drawers, dig in dirt, make others laugh,

What She's Doing Now:
-pulling up
-standing for about 10 seconds on her own
-crawling , crawling up stairs
-copying Mom and Dad (blows on her food to cool it off - too cute)
-trying to stand up on her own
-moved to Level 3 in Gymboree
-standing and pushing things across floor
-doing the "more" baby sign
-likes to feed herself
-can go to sleep without us having to rock her
-tells me when she's ready to nap by following us around
-eating more table food - loves bananas and mac - n- cheese

Feeding herself ham-n-cheese
Happy baby - clapping!
My Little Dirt Dobber
Riding on Daddy's shoulders

Splashpad playdates
9 month photo collage

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mommy's Day Out

Yesterday was my mommy's day out day - the nanny came over. So I had four hours to me, myself and I. What did I do? First I dropped off some items at the post office. Next, I was then headed to the movies (by myself - yay) and decided to stop and capture the beautiful magnolia blossoms of a tree I pass everyday.
These may be finding their way to my wall.

After my quick-side-of-the-road photoshoot I headed to the movies to see Shrek - The Final Chapter 3D. Yes I can choose a movie to see all by myself and I choose Shrek. I am a sucker for kid's movies. They're so simple and you don't have to overthink it. I can be a kid again by laughing at the silly jokes and besides, today kid's movies have adult inuendos built in Plus, I can not get Jarred to sit and watch a kid's movie and I completely understand. A bonus - I was the only one in the movies! I so look forward to taking Julia She will never have to pull my arm.

After the movies, I deposited a check, picked up groceries and headed back to Mommyland. What a relaxing day. I love being with Julia but I just need "me" time every once in a while. What  a great day!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I love my jobs - SAHM and photographer. So on rainy days when photographing other people is not in the cards, I recruit my favorite model and we head outside. At this point it had stopped raining but still nasty and muddy. However, the muddier the merrier for Julia. Most of the shoot Julia was in the Bjorn but at the end I took her off and she had a ball. A fun afternoon playing the mud and muck.


Created strictly with my 50mm lens at f1.8.
Only Photoshop used was to vignette and add my logo.

It's a walnut cracked open by our hoard of squirrels but looks like a mini African mask to me.

I love this shot. Probably one of my favorites I've ever taken of her.
A collage of Miss Muddy Adventurer
She does keep me laughing all day long.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's Official - I'm A Small Business Owner

I must say I'm quite proud of myself. In just seven months I have started a business that I can see being really successful one day allowing me to contribute financially to our family. Yesterday I received my business license (the brilliant gov't workers mispelled my name on it but a corrected one is on it's way)  and today I opened my business account. How exciting! I still want it to come second in my life with family being first ( I mean my full time job is SAHM and my part time job is photographer) but since I'm marketing and Jarred has so many financial ventures, I figured the IRS would get me if I didn't make it legal.

I will always owe part of it to my sweet Julia. She's my muse, my inspiration, my model, my practice client. I have always loved photography but if it hadn't been for her birth I would still be a teacher, counting down the days until summer break and wishing I never had to go back. I also have to owe the ability for it to grow so quickly to Jarred's support. He's always just let me pursue different ventures whether they worked or not. He's always had faith in my through this and still supports me to do what I have to do to make this venture successful.

On a side note - It is so crazy to think that exactly one year ago I was expecting Julia in a couple months, counting down the days until school was out and I never had to go back. I had no idea what was coming my way but now that it has arrived I love it!  I spent my day today gardening, dashing Julia around, crawling around chasing her, wrestling a wild little girl to bed, working on business stuff at my own pace and now laying in bed watching TV not dreading tomorrow but looking forward to what great things little Julia will bring.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our Lil' Lady

Just another day being Julia.
One day she's digging in the dirt and the next she's picking out purses and shoes to match. This so reminds me of a cake topper I had for a birthday cake growing up.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Somedays I Can Be Superwoman

Woah what a day! Not that it was a bad day but reflecting back it was a crazy, hectic, fun-filled, busy work day here at the McNeal household. Gardening, laughing, crying, singing, shopping, cleaning, napping....

It all started around 2 am when Julia decided to wake up and stay awake for 30 minutes. After settling her down, she woke up again around 5am then up at 8am. I got up, fed her, played with her and managed to get some major internet items checked off my to-do list. Then she was down for a nap at 10:00:-)

Nap times are the time of the day where I can get things done! Some days I choose to work in overdrive (ok, most days) and some days I treat myself to vegging out on the sofa watching Grey's Anatomy or Desperate Housewives. Today was an overdrive day. I cleaned the upstairs bathroom and then I worked outback putting a garden border of plant cover around our new deck. I hoed the dirt, shoveled the dirt, dug in the dirt, planted and mulched. However, I needed more plants and some type of edging. Home Depot was added to our errand list. I came inside with about five minutes to spare and made some business emails and organized files for updating tomorrow.

Around 11:00 Julia woke from her nap. I changed her, put her gardening overalls on her, and fed her. Then off to errands we went! Our first stop - the E.Nashville Post Office. I threw Julia in the Bjorn and dashed in to drop off prints for two of my clients, paperwork for my lawyer for my b.s. lawsuit and Jarred's shoes for return. Julia of course was adored by all in the post office - rattle throwing and all. Back to the car and next stop - gas.

I'm horrible for putting off getting gas until the only place to stop is some crappy hole in the wall. So the first place didn't take debit cards at the pump....ummm I'm not dragging 20 lbs of Julia out to pay so back in the car and off to the next hole in the wall gas station. After a quick swing through the double arches, I stopped at the gas station and pumped. Then off we were for more gardening supplies!!!

This summer I have evolved into a lil' gardener. I shop for flowers at the farmer's market and actually talk about which plants will work and take suggestions. Today was landscaping I guess you could say. So off to Home Depot. Love that place! I had to pick up some more ground cover and edging. Julia as always rode in the cart with her little sun hat on taking in all the sights and touching what she can. She's learning how to garden along with me. So after a 20 minute shopping trip we were back in the car and headed home.

On the way home I even got to talk to Crystal. By the time we got home, Julia was asleep and I was ready to finish my project...yeah, that's an alien concept - finishing a project in one day while keeping up with an engergetic wild 9 month old. I unloaded the car and she woke up. Attempted to put her down for the rest of her nap but unsuccessful:-( We came in, I got her fed and we had an impromptu photo shoot outside in her pettiskirt. Back inside we came and I changed her into her gardening pants so she could crawl around.

We returned outside and she played in the dirt while I gardened. She was a mess! Yes dirt was consumed and mulch was pulled from it's nice new bed by her tiny little curious hands. She's so curious about everything and nothing ever scares her. She goes into any situation with full curiousity and no reservations. I rarely see her get scared of anything - she pets the vacuum. She's a unique little girl with such energy and joy. Once her face, stomach, feet and hands were covered in dirt I took her in the bathe her.

Bath time was quick. She was everywhere! Usually bath time is the pre-bedtime ritual however today was not the case since it was so early. After her bath we jammed out to Dave Matthews upstairs. This sent her into crazy little girl mode. She was grabbing the baby gate shaking it as if she was in jail. However, she was laughing the whole time. She was crawling around the upstairs laughing so hard her eyes started to water. I've never seen a baby laugh like that but she was in a super happy mood. All I could do was laugh with her. She even played hide and seek....sort of. I love when she gets like that where the simplest sound can send her into giggle overdrive. After our giggle fest, we returned downstairs for her dinner of raviolli and a bottle. She then decided she was not ready for bed but instead adventuring. She adventured for 15 minutes, laughing the whole time, while I straightened the house and did a load of laundry. We attempted sleep again and after 15 minutes of attempting realized that it wasn't happening.

Finally around 7 Jarred came home. Phillip, a co-worker/friend that was in town due to the flood came over to visit Julia for the first time. I ordered pizza, finished my project (exluding 2 feet of edging I have to pick up tomorrow) and then finished off the task of putting Julia down after she cried for five minutes. I returned downstairs to eat dinner with the boys, chat it up and then took a shower. Now I'm here updating this blog so Julia will know who I was when she was this age. Plus after being told that I can't handle it all, I wanted to write it down (okay type it out) to really say hey, I did all of this today and I'm going to bed with a smile. I think I can handle it.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Great Flood of 2010

As I sit here typing this entry I hear sirens of emergency vehicles racing to rescue someone and see an endless sheet of rain falling outside. It's cold, it's dismal, its insane! We have watched the TV all day. The images are reminiscent of Katrina although this was no hurricane - just a horrible storm that pounded this area for two days. The Cumberland is raising higher, and higher and may hit Broadway - where all the historic honky tonks reside. Every creek, pond, lake, tributary - any body of water - has escaped its banks and flooded the surrounding area. Major roads and interstates (I24, I65, I40) have been shut down in multiple places due to water covering them. Images on the news show buildings floating down the interstate, schools being sucked into sink holes, people being rescued by tiny boats and even horses stranded in the middle of masses of water. It's crazy to think of something like this has hit home. We are so lucky and blessed that our area isn't flooding here in E. Nashville although we are a mile from the Cumberland.

Yesterday on my way back from Carolyn's Birthday Day.  
The Little Harpeth River has turned into a white water river.
The Cumberland flooding it's banks. (Thanks Slattery's for the pic.)

A backyard is turning into a pond...along with my planters.
Having fun inside during the May Day Flood.

"Rain, schmain go away!" shouts Julia.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Julia is 9 months old!

So she's now been out of me as long as she was in me. It's crazy to think that this time last year I was so large and ready for school to end so I could prepare for her arrival. Now she's crawling and climbing, putting her two cents in conversations and helping me burn calories keeping up with her adventuring. She's a healthy and vibrant little girl who's personality is shining! She's outgoing, a social butterfly and loves attention of any kind from anyone - strangers, other kids, adults and of course Mommy and Daddy.
Playing with her BFF Lilly

What She's Doing Now:
crawling and oh boy is she fast!
climbing stairs
pulling up on anything and standing
can stand alone for a few seconds
can walk with walker and parent assistance
cruising and going from couch to ottoman
loves climbing through her tunnels
a very curious and observant girl
says multiple consonants and vowels
explores and adventures
makes choices between toys
starting to understand no - stops and thinks before proceeding
says "oma" and "dada"
bangs objects together
goes after things when you hide them
alternates between one and two naps a day
sleeps 11-12 hours a daypicks up food and feeds herselves (sometimes pincer grip)

eating table food of all kinds - not a picky eater at all
3 bottles a day, 2 snacks and 3 meals

Helping mommy plant fllowers....she loves getting dirty.

Walking solo with her walker

One of her favorite things - chasing balls through her tunnel


Her first Time Climbing Stairs