Thursday, November 10, 2011

Girl's Weekend in Memphis

Last weekend Julia and I headed to Memphis with my friend Ashley and her 2 year old daughter Katie. Oh what fun! We had tx to YoGabbaGabba Live and we did it right.
The car ride there was pretty awesome. The girls entertained themselves and each other while Ashley and I got some much needed "adult" time. We made a quick stop at Chili's for lunch and then back on our way. We arrived at The Peabody (we stayed there for the ducks) around 4 and the girls were immediately in love with the ducks swimming in their fountain. The girls still had no idea what was ahead of them.

Once we got to the room the girls took over. This was definately a girls weekend - little girls that is. They ran wild and explored every inch. We then got them all dolled up in their YoGabbaGabba Foofa gear and hit the streets. We dined at BBKings - who would have thought my first time there would be with blues loving Julia. The highlight was Julia - she was seriously moving her head and dancing as if she was feeling the blues - as if BBKing himself was living through her for a minute. Crazy.
The Girls on Beale Street 

We then headed to YoGabbaGabba and I gave Julia the gift of her lifetime I think. She loved it - LOVEDIT!! Normally shy around strangers she would just wander down the aisle trying to get as close as possible to Muno and the gang. She danced and danced. I love watching every minute of it.

Yes that is Julia to the left in the pink:-)
Parenthood is truely the best and having a little girl like Julia just makes it 100 times even more. We finished off the night with a horse and carriage ride through Memphis. We snuggled and snuggled while seeing where Elvis purchased his furniture for Graceland and the original Peabody stood.
We ended the night exhaused but the girls kept on going. I mean you would think after the day that they had they would be tired to but the excitement of being 2....oh to bottle the energy.

I so look forward to many trips like this in my life. Over time they will evolve into teeny bopper concerts and eventually shopping trips to NYC or weekends away in the desert....who knows but I am very blessed to have such an amazing little lady as my daughter. The best thing is I get this times 2!
Marching of the Ducks at The Peabody

1 comment:

Ashley said...

LOVE this!! Do you care if I save some of those pics and use them too?? What a fun time - must do it again soon!