Saturday, January 10, 2009


It's Week 11 of my pregnancy and I must say I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. So I am going to finally get around to starting this blog.

Today was the first day I didn't feel nauseated, crampy, gassy or bloated or FAT! I am sure I am not out of the woods. I have noticed that when I have a good day little baby McNeal comes back the next day with a vengeance. However, lucky me now has a sore throat. Not just a sore throat but one of those that causes your neck to expand when you swallow. I just want one day of feeling like my old self but then again I am pregnant and my old self is in the past. All the websites and books say it's normal to feel this way but I feel so guilty. I think about all the nights on the town I will have to give up and no more free as a bird flying around with nothing or no one to answer to. I am a creature of habit so change isn't always the easiest thing. Maybe that is why God gives women 9 months to prepare. 9 months to adjust and accept that your life will never be the same again. I am sure that once I feel the kicks, set up the nursery and see my little baby for the first time I won't even think twice about my old life.

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