Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Julia is 8 months old!

So wow, what a month it has been! Julia is growing and developing by leaps and bounds. She is a busy little girl trying to figure out the world and investigate. She's mobile now so everyday she likes to go adventuring through the house. We (oh wait I) installed the baby gate at the top of the stairs. The other day she finally found her way to it and was pulling on it like a caged puppy. She's putting everything in her mouth including outlet plugs and those darn sockets always seem to catch her attention. I'm just so amazed at how much she has changed over the past two months but must say that month 7 has been the biggest noticeable change.

Everything must enter the mouth...grass, power cords...
What She's Doing Now:
-pulling up to stand from sitting position (bumpers from crib have been removed)

-can walk if held up
-army crawling - still
-chatterbox - always talking
-likes books - her favorite book is Eric Carle's "Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother too?"
-says dada and maaaaama
-reaches for you if she wants you
-wants me if I'm around however could care less about me if I leave the room - content to play by herself
-eating solids - a combination of baby food and table food
-still loving Gymboree
-down to two naps a day
-three meals a day and three bottles (24 oz)
-plays with friends
-out of her newborn car seat, swing, etc. She's a big girl now!
-20 lbs and 26 inches (thanks to the new growth chart on her wall)

She loves her Dada!

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