Saturday, January 16, 2010

Photo Shoots, Haiti, Headaches and Baby Hugs

I haven't been on the blogging train this week. I've been spending extra time on trying to work on getting some photography stuff together. I have three photo shoots next week to build my portfolio. Hopefully, I will get some great shots from a 3 month old, 4 year old, 4 month old and 2 week old. I have fabrics, blankets, backdrops, batteries and my camera! Ready for this. We'll see how I really like having multiple clients and not being able to take pics of my muse all the time. Julia is such a great baby. She's into the posing thing now and not freaking out when I get the lens out. She's like "bring it on" and I'll give you a show.
On another note, there was an earthquake in Haiti this week. It was a 7.0 on the Richter scale...heartbreaking. They are estimating 200,000 dead. In a country that had nothing but poverty they now really have nothing. Just seeing pictures makes me realize how fortunate and truly blessed I am. It's so easy to forget how fortunate I am but then something like that really brings me back to realizing it's GREAT to be me. I have a wonderful husband (although I do have to remind him to be wonderful sometime:-0), a beautiful and bright daughter, a wonderful home, great friends, no financial worries and no worries really beyond making sure Julia naps and getting chiropractor visits.

My back and headaches have been getting worse though. I've been going to the chiropractor and my IT band has contracted which pulls my hip and knee to the left which causes more pain. I'm still having the three day headaches (of which Ihave one now) but I refuse to let it slow me down. It has slowed me down however. I can't quite keep up with everything like I was...or maybe it's because Julia now takes more time. She's eating solids which takes and extra 30 minutes and I swear I do laundry EVERYDAY!!! Burpcloths and bibs - you really can't ever have enough!! Plus she is TRYING to be mobile so she'll be playing by herself and then you'll hear "RAAAAAAAAAAA". She's so frustrated that she can't move forward. I have to help her so independent play has went to the side for a while.

Sweet Julia is hugging now. She's really holding on when you pick her up and she throws her arms around what she can of your neck. She is such a sweet and loving baby. I feel bad sometimes putting her to bed b/c I know she just wants to stay up and love on us, play with us but she needs her beauty sleep.

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