When Jarred gets her out of her crib in the mornings she greets him with a hug and jibber jabber that involves the words "dada". He takes her downstairs and feeds her her first meal of the day involving fruit and a bottle. Thanks to Jarred she's independent (somewhat) in bottle feeding herself. He props her up with four pillows and she feeds herself. INDEPENDENCE is beginning. I just lay in bed, doze in and out, and take in the beautiful sounds of morning. Julia is such a wonderful baby. She loves to snuggle and cuddle, she smiles all the time, has the sweetest laugh and loves people.
Our days are starting to fill with activities and definite routines. Tuesdays are Gymboree (soon Wed will be storytime), she naps everyday at 9 and 12, watches "Baby Can Read" after her morning nap with her bottle, around 3:30 everyday we watch Sesame Street as she bounces in her exersaucer and I'm sure as spring approaches a daily walk and park trips will fall in there somewhere.
Once Jarred gets home around 5:30, it's time for her last bottle and off to bed her takes his princess. Maybe that is why she says "dada" first. He's the first one she sees and the last - I'm just filling in the middle:-)
7 month photos
What She's Doing Now:
-creeping (moving around on her tummy, lifting butt and pushing forward with feet)
- stands on her own by holding on to something
- reaches for toys and bangs blocks/toys together
-says "dadadada" , "yayayayaya", "hiiiiiiiiiii", "oooma" and many other consonant/vowel combinations
-lip noises / spitting
-loves to bounce on anything
-eating 3 meals a day and 3 bottles (stage 2 foods)
- learning to use thumb and forefinger to pick up banana puffs (pincher grip)
- loves any type of fruit
- down to 2 naps a day but goes to bed at 6pm and wakes at 6am
- sleeping in her own crib
- trying to pull up on things including crib and table
- great grasping ability - can lift up a glass bowl with one hand
- can put own paci in mouth
- likes peekaboo, bubbles, pink rattle and her xylophone
Crawling soon....
Playing the xylophone and watching Sesame Street
Those are great photos. Where are you getting such good light? Did you buy a white screen?
Thanks for the compliment. I do have a beautiful model. By white screen I am assuming you mean a backdrop?? I have white seamless paper that rolls out ($25 a roll on adorama.com). Plus I shoot in a room that has 8 windows on 2 walls and 2 walls painted white - light heaven! I also have a shoemount flash (one of those fancy ones on top of my camera - SB600 for Nikon)that points the flash to the ceiling and bounces light all around. It was $180 but well worth the investment if you don't want harsh shadows.
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