I've always loved learning new things. I enjoy a challenge and solving problems. So it's only natural that I take on some new challenges when it comes to Julia. This week I began Julia's "early learning" as the section in her baby book states. She loves to be stimulated and involved. She's always been an observer and I really think those wheels in her head turns non-stop - even in her sleep! So in order to fulfill her needs, early learning is starting early - at 7 months old.
- This week we began "Baby Can Read". She sits and watches it for about 15 minutes- usually with a bottle in her mouth. I'm trying to associate it with good things so eventually she will sit and watch it without Mommy sitting with her. I know this is something that is going to take months of doing to yield results. Right now my wild woman of a daughter will only watch it if I sit with her. I do love the time with her. It feels good that I am giving her this gift.
- Next Jarred came home the other day discussing Baby Sign Language. He had dinner with a woman who had taught her child a few signs and it was helpful. Jarred was sold! I ordered 2 books and flash cards so now Julia is set up to learn baby sign language. We've been discussing the signs tonight. Next weeks signs to work on: more, all done, bed, sleepy, milk, food, help. We'll probably work on these for 3 weeks before introducing more. Afterall she is only 7 months and those fingers and hands just don't go in the desired direction all the time.
- On Tuesday Julia attended Gymboree for the first time. She LOVED it! Each week she will focus on a different style of play/learning. Last week was tactile. However, some many of her senses were stimulated and she was completely intrigued. Of course I joined so every Tuesday we will be attending her class along with other days we can drop in and she can play and learn. There is also a music class that I really think she would love. She enjoys any of the musical instruments she gets her hands on. She bangs her xylophone but holds the stick correctly 50% of the time.
In a few weeks I hope to start swim lessons but that involves me in a bathing suit so we'll see. Sorry Julia but Mommy has her limits and bathing suits at this point are one of those limits!
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