Friday, February 12, 2010

Sleep Update - Julia Slept In Her Crib All Night!

Yesterday Julia took all of her naps in her crib and slept for atleast an hour both times. So last night was the night I was nervous about. I just knew she had to get out of our room because I was no longer sleeping. Not because she was waking up but just little noises would wake me.  Plus when we were coming to bed we were waking her up and ruining her deep sleep.  So last night Jarred laid her down in her crib around 6pm. He left the room and not a peep. Around 12:30am she let our a yell but fell right back to sleep. Same thing at 4:30. She woke up finally at 7:30 and played in her crib for an hour. Let's so hope this isn't a one time thing and that it continues!!

I am so ready to get MY beauty sleep again. Julia obviously gets her beauty sleep but now Mommy needs it! We are going to New Orleans in mid-March and the thing I look forward to the most - uninterrupted sleep! Then I'll appreciate the architecture, spa, food....but I look forward to sleep the most!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now you see why I loved my sleep so much. :)