Monday, November 30, 2009

Troy Stackhouse

Troy works for my husband here in Nashville. He's a young professional that loves music and a good time...I sound like a singles ad. He recently signed up with Team in Training Nashville to run the Country Music Marathon. He recruited me to take pics of him for his website. Julia accompanied me as I shot his pictures on the downtown  Riverfront. I was pleased with the photos considering my 50mm is doing some funny things apeture wise...still investigating. Anyhows, he was another great guinea pig!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

So we don't actually cut it, but the farmer at the Farmer's Market did! Yesterday we took Julia along as we picked out our first real tree in four years! That makes having a baby all worth it...I have a feeling if we hadn't had a baby we would have put that pathetic fake tree back up again with all it's shagginess and missing needles.

Julia didn't really have much to say about the whole situation. She was happier snug as a bug in her carrier. However, Jarred had something to say so we had to agree which can sometimes get hairy. We finally found a tall and full yet somewhat slender tree with a triangle shape. It was/is beautiful.

I am so in the Christmas spirit this year! Maybe it's because I feel like I missed out on Christmas last year because I felt so horrible in my first trimester. Or maybe it's because I have this beautiful baby girl and she just makes everything so much more beautiful and wonderful. Maybe a little bit of both but all I know is the day after Turkey Day was my official start of the Christmas season!

The tree is complete and I must say it is our most beautiful tree yet! It took me about 3 hours to decorate it but I am very proud of it. I went with a red and white theme (with the colored lights for Jarred) and added tons of red ornaments in addition to our sentimental ornaments (we get an ornament for life events or places we've been so our tree means something). I intertwined ribbon throughout and even made my own bow for the top thanks to the lovely members of youtube. Now with packages under it....drumroll please....Oh Christmas tree, ring in the season!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Julia's First Turkey Day...Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

Yesterday Julia celebrated her first national holiday - Thanksgiving. We were going to go to Capitol Grille for a 2:00 dinner.I am not one that finds joy in slaving in the kitchen for me and my husband. I can show him I love him in other ways besides cooking a turkey and ten sides  however, Jarred woke up with the idea of cooking here. He even offered to help get the stuff, cook and clean - SOLD! . So off to Whole Foods we went! We browsed the aisles with no list or idea of what we wanted. After about 30 minutes we had gathered stuff to make stuffing, all ready made mac -n- cheese, rolls, a pecan pie, a chocolate bourbon pecan pie and a chicken...neither of us are turkey people. Well while waiting on our chicken, Jarred ran into the Slattery's picking up their dinner. So after their invite, we headed to their house with our food to add to theirs...and this is how our Thanksgiving dinner was created.

The dinner started out with everyone oohing and ahhing at how Julia could sit in her Bumbo. She is getting so strong and can sit in it for extended amounts of time. I'm soooo proud of her. Well, after I ate, she started to loose it. Can you blame her? By 2:00pm she had had only one 20 minute nap in my arms. I couldn't believe she had lasted that long. Plus all of the excitement of new people and a baby baby! She met Julia and Steve's new daughter Piper. Julia was like Lilly was when she met Julia - just mesmerized. As she gazed at Piper, it was if she was thinking "she has small hands like me, hmmmm, is that me?" Julia is just a curious baby girl. That head never stops turning and those eyes are always mesmerized by something. After the fun of her meeting a baby baby, I calmed her down and put her down for what turned into a shortlived 20 minute nap again. Holidays just throw her off! We went for a walk, hung out for a while and headed home around 6pm. When we finally got home, we put her in her swing and off to dreamland she went until 7:00am this morning.

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are so blessed to have such great friends here in Nashville. Our family is so blessed in so many ways that I have become thankful everyday. Life is so sweet. We have a beautiful home, Jarred has a wonderful job, we have a great relationship and most of all, a healthy baby girl that is the greatest blessing of them all. It took so long to get to where I could see all that I can be thankful for but finally I do! I am living my happily ever after and I am truly thankful that I can say that. Life is so beautiful.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Moon - New Adventure

Today Julia and I met my friend Julia and her new baby girl Piper to see a movie. Movie of choice - New Moon. I haven't read the books and am not a swooning teenager so why New Moon- I wanted to see what all the fuss is about. Okay, so I get it. Everyone loves vampires right now and I must admit that I am a huge fan of True Blood on HBO. I could see how this book/idea appeals to so many girls and women. I however, found myself wishing we would have seen Blind Side for a couple of reasons, mainly being I'm sure it would have been quieter.
This was not Julia's first trip to the movies. When she was only 4 weeks old we attempted to take her to see Quinton Terrentino's Inglourious Bastards. Let me stop you there before you ask what was I thinking - I was still on pain meds and hormones were still pumping through my body so I didn't put two and two together. It was super loud and scared the poor baby to the point we just had to leave. Plus we were still new to the whole calming the baby concept. So why did I choose New Moon with all it's loud wearwolves, vampires and theatrical music?

I assumed it was more of a lovey dovey kind of movie. Even those can get loud at a movie theatre. Julia did pretty well considering. She was overly due for a nap upon arrival but I refuse to be one of those moms tied to their child's sleep schedule. I gave her a bottle immediately and then she wanted to play. So here I am trying to "quiet play" with this baby. She let out one loud yell (which was a warning) and at that point I took her outside and walked her to sleep. She did get a 45 minute nap in somehow. I guess "sleeping like a baby" really does mean something. With violent wearwolves fighting in the background she somehow managed to stay asleep. With about 10 minutes left in the movie she woke up and became restless-I-am-so-over-this baby.

I must admit I was so glad when it was over. It was a movie much worthy of watching at the movies but with a 4 month old....not exactly relaxing.

On another note, I am proud of myself for taking her and managing her the whole time. It gives me sense of pride and accomplishment to know that I am figuring out this mother thing. Would I do it again? Maybe if the movie was a complete love story...sure.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My baby girl is 16 weeks old!

It's so hard to believe that it has been 16 weeks/4months since Julia was born. It has flown by (if I forget about the first month which I didn't think I would survive at times). I have survived and somehow came out with flying colors. I just think of how blessed Jarred and I are to have such a beautiful and easy baby. She's so strong and seems to be so smart. She is the light of our lives and eventhough I'm not a morning person, she makes me wanna get up early and play. That precious smile, big eyes and funny she is laughing even more which is AWESOME! Even with a little cold and constipated, she still laughs and smiles...and then throws a tantrum. The tantrums are nothing to me at this point. Just look at this angelic face...
Things She's Doing Now:
  • Laughs at parents
  • Smiles at anyone
  • Cooing (mini coversation)
  • Rolling from belly to back
  • Imitating facial expressions
  • Acknowledges or turns toward her name
  • Full weight on legs (since 1 month)
  • Lifts head forward when in a recline position
  • Holds rattle
  • Bats and grasps at bright colored toys
  • Splish splashes in tub
  • On a daily schedule( 3 hour blocks) ---7ish - wakes 7:30 - bottle 8:00- play 9:00 - nap 10:00 - wake REPEAT
  • Still waking up around 4:30 restless and getting in bed with mommy
I am so glad I decided to start this blog. It's mainly for her to be able to see her life documented through my eyes but at the same time I look forward to a year from now and looking back at these first entries and remembering when my little girl was a baby.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Hall Family

One of my biggest fears as a SAHM is loosing my identity. So, now that I have got the hang of the mommy thing, I have started to pursue interests of my own. One has become photography. My dad was a photographer (of hobby) when I was little so maybe that is why I choose to pick up the camera and capture life. I've always loved photos and was always known as the girl with the camera. I always find beauty in the details and for years I have been photographing nature in its grander but I have recently got into people with the birth of Julia.

This is the Hall family. After their photographer was a no-show, I offered my amateur services and she accepted. They were my guinea pigs after the Pyatts. They were so wonderful to work with and helped me with coming up with great shots, backgrounds and did anything I asked. I am very happy with this "shoot" and some of the pics that came from it. It's very empowering to me to find a new talent and be able to embrace it!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Laughing is Contagious

I know this is my 3rd upload today but I had to. Julia laughed a while back but we didn't get it on video. However today I just started making a funny noise and it set in. Her laugh makes me laugh...a good contagious!

Dancing Queen

A few days ago Julia and I had a dance party to the Black Eye Peas and Blues Travelers - I know what a combo! This video is filled with smiles and dancing that makes me laugh! Just wanted to share!

Sick Mommy

So I managed to do it - catch my first cold as a mommy. It sucks!! When you're just you (or maybe you and a husband) then you can take care of yourself while you're sick. A 16 week old baby doesn't get it. She doesn't understand that mommy needs a nap or I can't hold you because I can't quick sneezing and sniffling. She already has a bit of a crudy nose so I don't want to make it worse. However, I will say that all of her play toys have really got some use the past couple days. At times I have felt guilty about leaving her staring at her mobile for so long or leaving her in her swing while she's awake but the last thing I want is for her to get sick. However, she is an independent baby (most of the time). She seems to be enjoying all of this alone time quite well. I have moved her Boppy floor play mat to the bed so atleast I'm sitting with her.
I know I shouldn't feel guilty but I can't help it. It's a double edge sword. If I love on her and smother her with kisses like I normally do she will get sick. If I keep her at a distance then she misses mommy and wants to be held if a pick her up for a second. I know this is just new mommy feelings and in time the guilt will pass but as for now this sick mommy feels a little guilty.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Julia's First Family Dinner

Last night Julia sat at the table (atleast upright) for the first time. Sure there have been nights where she has been at the table while we ate but she was in my arms or laying down. I don't count that. Last night she sat in her Bumbo and watched us and if she was analyzing what we were doing. I have read that it's good for babies to watch you eat. Helps them connect to eating real food and using utensils when the time comes. She seemed to enjoy it. There was no fuss, no restlessness...only intrigue. I can only wonder what was going through her head as Jarred and I ate our Parmesean chicken and veggies.

"That's not a bottle going in that bottle hole on their face..."

I'll never know but I do know it was a wonderful feeling to sit as a family at the dinner table and share a meal at the end of the day. It was nice to sit with my husband and discuss our day while our baby girl was a part of it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Julia's Kiss From An Angel Sends Us to the Opthamologist

Since Julia was born she has had a tiny white dot on the pupil of her eye – I say it’s where an angel kissed her. It has never seemed to bother her and her eye never does anything out of the ordinary (water, get lazy) so it hasn’t worried me too much. Of course I worried, I googled what they originally suspected it was only to tell myself that I could make myself worry over nothing. Since becoming a mother I have become more laid back and not so quick to freak out over things. Yesterday was the big day – her ophthalmologist appointment.
Dr. Donahue explained that Julia has a cataract – aren’t old people supposed to get those? Plus I took my prenatal vitamins religiously so why does my daughter have an eye defect??? Well, the cataract is nothing to worry about. At least he says so. I am trying not to go Google crazy. However, while there he discovered Julia is extremely far sighted in BOTH eyes. Yes babies are born with horrible vision and it gradually improves but apparently my baby girl’s is a bit worse than the average baby. He assured me that it could correct itself (as it does in 99% of babies) but to watch for lazy/cross eyes because her eyes could cross when she’s 1 or 2. This is apparently the main cause and since no one ever takes their babies to the ophthalmologist, it isn’t discovered early enough to stop it. So I guess her dot is more like a birth mark – a kiss from an angel. If it wasn’t for that harmless cataract, Julia’s eyes may have crossed in a couple years and her eyes damaged permanently. I am trying not to worry about it as there is nothing we can do about it to correct it this early. His Rx – play with her and continue to stimulate her. I can do that!
She has a four month check up in March so I hope he tells us her vision has since improved. You have a baby and you want them to have every advantage possible. You want them to play sports, learn an instrument, and become a dancer….then when you find out that they might be at a disadvantage a part of you breaks a little bit. However, Julia is already demonstrating that she is a motivated and happy baby. I have no reason to believe that this will stop our little lady from doing whatever it is she wants to do.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Another Wreck - Julia's Interesting Fact

Yesterday we were in an accident - the 2nd one in 11 months. The first one happened when Julia was only 7 weeks in my belly. Now she is 3 months old. How many babies can say they have been in 2 car accidents by the time she was 4 months old?? I guess that will be one if her interesting facts one day. I always try to look at things so serious in a lighthearted manner.

When the accident happened all I could think of was her. I was so overwhelmed with the need to protect my baby that I didn't realize we were rolling again. Jarred had to tell Me to push the brake because I was just rolling into traffic. I've never experienced adrenaline - a real rush where everythig blanks and you can move mountains and feel no pain- until yesterday. I wasn't hurt but I know if I had been I would have made it to my baby girl. All I could think of was her! It scared me to death. She is safe and unharmed. Those car seats are quite amazing. It just startled her which startled me. As for the Murano, it can really take a hit. Both wrecks have involved Muranos so I now am at a kunundrum??? Do we get a new car because Muranos seem to be bad luck or keep it because it has proven to be safe. The first accident involved us getting T-boned on my side by a work F-350 going 40+mph.

Julia has become my world. She is the most beautiful and most precious thing I've ever laid eyes on. She makes me laugh and makes me want to be a better person, a successful person and a good she will be. It all flashed in front of me yesterday in those 3 seconds.

So, Jarred has already started looking at cars so stay tuned.

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Poem for Julia

As I lay here in bed
I get lost staring at your precious face
So innocent, so sweet.
Your tiny hand clenches my tshirt
As dreams pass through your precious mind
I'm overwhelmed by love
The purest of love that I never knew
Until I met you.
When I smile you smile
My silliness is favorite thing to laugh at
My chest is your safe place
To cuddle and snuggle.
I am completed by your little love.
You have made my heart open up and grow larger with each smile.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Change in Heart

So while on Facebook today an old friend posted that she knew someone that has three children and no money to buy gifts this Christmas She was asking for help to surprise this family with gifts this Christmas. I immediately felt compelled to offer help be it money or gifts. Why blog about this?

A year ago if you had asked me to give, I might have just looked over it. Making excuses to myself reasons for not helping. We weren't in the positive financial position we are now but we certainly wouldn't have missed $50. However, since having a child, my heart has changed. I think it has opened up, grown or filled with more love than it can hold....I'm not sure but I couldn't imagine not being able to give my little girl a Christmas or what she wants. I have already bought her her first Holiday Barbie ( a tradition thing). She's only 3 months and by Christmas will be 5 months and won't even know what Christmas is but my husband and I are in a great position to give her any learning toy, clothing item, fun toy or any "tradition" gift that we would like. She won't remember it but she will see the pictures in the future and I will have the joy of watching her learn and grow on these toys.

It's amazing to me how much this little baby girl has changed my heart. She may never realize the impact she has had on me at such an early age. I look at her and I see the world through her eyes. Thanks to my baby girl, two little girls out there that we don't even know will have a Christmas.

If you would like to help their wishlist is at under Brandi Behlke.

Monday, November 9, 2009

To blog or not to blog....Blog it is!

So I started this blog last year with every intention of keeping it going. Well, deep into the months of pregnancy it fell to the wayside. Now that I have a beautiful baby girl and a family that is changing daily, I would like to start blogging again. I've also started to focus on my interest in photography and figure this will be the best way to share them with my thoughts while taking them. I have every intention of keeping it up now but whether or not I do will be a different story.

As I am a stay at home (SAHM) mom now, I seem to only journal about mommy events. I love it though. As one person said this blog will be the way our baby girl sees how she grew, changed and what I thought about it. I wish our parents could have done something like this. I would love to have known what my mother was thinking when I would spit up on her new silk shirt (I have learned to no longer buy dry clean only fabrics), what she thought of my poop and if it was a topic of conversation for her and my father and if she was as crazy in love with me as I am with my baby girl.

So wish me luck with this blog. I am really going to try to keep it up and remind myself that this will be a gift to my baby girl. Maybe my facebook postings will fall to the wayside but look at this face....She will thank me one day and I'm sure when I'm old and gray I will look at these postings and either laugh, cry, scream or just say "Ahhhhh".