Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Change in Heart

So while on Facebook today an old friend posted that she knew someone that has three children and no money to buy gifts this Christmas She was asking for help to surprise this family with gifts this Christmas. I immediately felt compelled to offer help be it money or gifts. Why blog about this?

A year ago if you had asked me to give, I might have just looked over it. Making excuses to myself reasons for not helping. We weren't in the positive financial position we are now but we certainly wouldn't have missed $50. However, since having a child, my heart has changed. I think it has opened up, grown or filled with more love than it can hold....I'm not sure but I couldn't imagine not being able to give my little girl a Christmas or what she wants. I have already bought her her first Holiday Barbie ( a tradition thing). She's only 3 months and by Christmas will be 5 months and won't even know what Christmas is but my husband and I are in a great position to give her any learning toy, clothing item, fun toy or any "tradition" gift that we would like. She won't remember it but she will see the pictures in the future and I will have the joy of watching her learn and grow on these toys.

It's amazing to me how much this little baby girl has changed my heart. She may never realize the impact she has had on me at such an early age. I look at her and I see the world through her eyes. Thanks to my baby girl, two little girls out there that we don't even know will have a Christmas.

If you would like to help their wishlist is at www.toysrus.com under Brandi Behlke.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's like when the Make a Wish people call me asking for money. I just can't say no.