Thursday, December 3, 2009

4 Month Visit, Shots and Skinny Bi!C#@&

Tuesday was Julia's 4 month check up. My baby is already 4

Weight: 13 lb. 12 oz  50 percentile for weight
Height: 24 in.  50 percentile for height
Head Circumference: 16 " 30 percentile - she gets her small head from Jarred I guess
Doctor said "she's just perfect".

She was in her normally happy mood when we got there. There was another woman there who had a baby about 2 months old and a 5 year old boy...maybe 6. He was running around the waiting room saying he can't wait to get his shot. I assumed he was on crack because what child....wait what human can't wait to get a shot.While I'm talking about this crazy child, let me explain that his mom was already back to her skinny prepreggers body. Who does that after have a baby 2 months ago???? No one that I know or that I like. (There is actually a girl in my bootcamp who had a baby 7 weeks ago and is SKINNY and complains about her weight. SHUT UP! I don't talk to her.)I secretly laughed to myself as she struggled to keep her 2 children quiet and under control. She may be skinny but her kids are crazy. Here's Julia so quiet and entertained by her little zebra and me with my 20 lbs to loose. We're calm and quiet enjoying our day. Then there's her. All skinny and dolled up but kids screaming and going wild. Granted I only have one baby and who knows how life will be when we have a second one but I wanted to find something wrong with her since I still have a Michelin tire to loose.

Julia had to get a shot so she got her shot, gave a squeal, I put her paci in, picked her up and the crying stopped. She's such a well adjusted and happy baby. Who knows how long this peaceful shot receiving will last but lets hope always.

This brings me to wild child boy that was in the waiting room. He was next door. OMG! You would have thought they were giving him electroshock therapy in there. He was screaming for 20 minutes and I am not exaggerating. The whole time we were at the doctor he was next door. He was screaming "please help me. Someone help me." You could hear his mom trying  to calm him but with no avail. He was screaming and screaming and his help me screams turned into "Oh my booboo....ooooohhhhhhhhhh".

Dear God,
When Julia is that age please, please, please let her know it's just a shot and that the world is not coming to an end. If you could make her not cry then great!

Shot days are spoiling days. No rules or restrictions and I will always be that way. Hopefully it will allow her to not be so anxious and crazy when it comes to getting a shot. I have heard plenty of babies/kids get shots at this point but none as crazy as this boy. Usually it's crying and stops. When I left this boy was still going on. They are probaby still there. God bless. That's what she gets for being so skinny already;-)


Carrie said...

I love this post. I LOVE IT. I mean, there are days when I am like...I am so fat, yuck. However, when I see the skinny minny new mommies, I get really hard on myself. Then I remember that I have battled weight my entire life (not just after pregos) and some people are just built like that.
Plus, I look at my kids and know it is all worth it!

Unknown said...

My boys had shots a couple of months ago and they were both great, so there is hope that it sticks! Shey was even a crazy one and wants to get another one! Strange, strange. :)

Unknown said...

I just realized again that my profile pic is from your rehersal dinner! My how time flies!