Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Mobile - The Best Babysitter

This mobile is the absolute best thing in my whole bag of baby gear. Granted it is not as high tech as it's modern day cousins with their batteries and self spinning (mine requires the fan to spin) and it's also created from fishing line and colored foam circles, but it entertains Julia like no other. It beats out the entertainment her Boppy floor gym gives her and none of her toys can get her this excited. This mobile is the greatest babysitter. She even chats to it and I'm not sure if talking to inannimate objects is good but I don't care at this point. I can shower and get ready while she is engaged in this spinning world of circles. I used to listen to the ipod while I got ready but now I listen to this joyous sound. It just delights both Jarred and I. Enjoy!

I had the webcam on the corner of the crib so she was completely alone while I got ready for the day. We now have to trick her to get pics of her smiling, laughing...she freezes at the sight of a lens.

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