Friday, December 11, 2009

Miss Personality

So Julia is really developing a personality and letting me know what she likes and doesn't. I do think she is going to be a silly and happy girl that isn't shy. I believe let us know what she wants and doesn't want quite easity but be an overall easy to please llittle girl. We'll just see.

Loves her Mommy and Daddy!
Her Bumbo - so she can see the world (watches us eat at dinner, make her bottle, cook)
Loves smiles, sillyfaces and silly noises that we make at her - laughs away
Sticking her tongue out
The twinkle of Christmas lights and glow/flashing of the fire
Holding my finger when she feeds
"You are My Sunshine" sang to her at anytime
Staring at her mobile when in her crib
Paci's and her hand in her mouth - she's definately learning how to self soothe
Staying on her schedule - she does  it naturally so when she misses naps - Dear God!
Making noise with her rattle
Yelling - she loves to hear her voice right now.

Being hungry - she lets us have it! She can go from super happy to po'd in 1 second flat!
Removing the bottle from her mouth to burp her
Hates her swing if she isn't sleepy - it's reserved for nappy time only!
Lying flat for too long....she wants to see the world!

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