Today Julia held her bottle on her own! She is getting so big and so much stronger by the day. Jarred has been working with her when he feeds her. He always positions it so it looks like she's holding it and maybe it gave her the confidence today to do it. It started out as our normal 2:00 feeding. When there was about 1 oz of formula left in the bottle, she started to move both her hands to the top of the bottle (towards the nipple). She grasped it and I let go. She finished off the rest of the bottle with no problem. She was completely holding it on her own.
Hopefully her next feat will be rolling over from stomach to back. She is really curious about it. During playtime 90% of the time if I lay her on her back she starts to attempt to roll over but just can't get her leg over. I'm giving her two weeks and she will be doing it effortlessly.
1 comment:
That is great! I guess one thing I thought about when reading your post is that with Jackson,I couldn't wait to see the next milestone. However, since Maybrie is my last baby...I am just taking it in a moment at a time. Either way, it is awesome to watch.
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