Thursday, December 3, 2009

Our First Attempt at Eating Solids Unsuccessful

So after Julia's 4 month visit I was given the go ahead to start her on solids. Since she was slow to gain weight I wanted to wait until I got the ok. I had bought the rice cereal and some baby food a while back but just kept it in the cabinet not ready to move on. I have even assembled the high chair but Julia's bum has yet to set in it.

Today for her 2:00pm feeding I started the big transition - solid foods. I hate to call it solids because once I added the formula it was a globby mess that resembled poorly mixed intant mashed potatoes. I sure didn't want to eat it and..... neither did Julia. My first attempt I put her in her Bumbo and the minute she tasted it - Waaaaaaaaaaaaa! So I picked her up set her on my lap and we attempted it again with her in a "safer" place. She was curious and took some in but then started making her sad face. She didn't cry but pushed it out.

We stopped. After a few minutes I put her back in the Bumbo and thought I would try one last time. No crying this time but just pushing it out of her mouth.

However she is intrigued with the spoon. She kept taking the spoon in with food on it but just pushing the food back out. I let her suck on the spoon with nothing on it and then it turned into a toy....not sure if that's a good thing but this is my first time around the block with this solid food thing. Atleast she has really great fine motor skills developing!

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